Specialists in equipment for quality control and research in civil engineering and building

Certification ISO 9001Specialists in equipment for quality control and research in civil engineering and building

We have the best brands on the market

We have the best brands on the market

The best and most advanced quality control equipment

The best and most advanced quality control equipment


A team of Engineering and Construction professionals

in Latin America and the USA and in Spain is constantly supporting Latin America of Commerce and Projects in their efforts to give the Spanish and Latin American markets the best assistance in terms of products and equipment.

Our advice will always focus on giving our client the best technical and economic recommendation for their needs in terms of products and equipment in civil engineering, architecture and construction.

Quality Control in Construction

Concrete/Cement, Asphalt, Soil, Steel.

A team of Engineering and Construction professionals in Latin America and the USA and in Spain is constantly supporting Latin America of Commerce and Projects in their efforts to give the Spanish and Latin American markets the best assistance in terms of equipment and products.

Our advice will always focus on giving our client the best technical and economic recommendation for their needs in terms of products and equipment in civil engineering, architecture and construction.


Five points. Our mission

Wide experience in Europe, USA and Latin America.






Contact Us

I Accept


C/Estocolmo, 2B
28022 Madrid

Business Hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00 – 18:00 pm


+34 680 20 95 34

Analizador de Asfalto_Infratest_lacompro


Ponemos en marcha una Campaña especial del Analizador de Asfaltos INFRATEST en TODAS sus versiones, y especialmente en la Versión PG para mezclas con gomas, fibras, etc. CONTACTENOS!

We are happy to assist you via email or phone